Purchase Indie Pop Dataset
Indie pop dataset is a dynamic combination of audio tracks and full metadata, including chords, instrumentation, key, tempo, timestamps, and more. This dataset, designed for machine learning applications, powers generative AI music, Music Information Retrieval (MIR), source separation, and more.

Dataset Specifications
Total Audio Tracks: Up to 100k Indie Pop tracks
Type: Genre (Indie Pop)
File Format: WAV, FLAC, MP3, CSV, JSON
Dataset includes:
BPM Range
Chord Progressions
Time Signature
Number of Bars

The Indie Pop dataset is a built collection created for machine learning applications including generative AI music, Music Information Retrieval (MIR), and source separation. This dataset seamlessly mixes audio tracks with detailed metadata, including chords, instrumentation, key, tempo, and timestamps. The genre's origins in the 1970s and 1980s DIY scene make it a great training ground, with a distinct blend of catchy songs, simplistic structures, and unfiltered production approaches. Indie pop's raw and eclectic character makes it an appealing sandbox for machine learning aficionados to discover its distinct patterns and quirks.
Indie pop's independent attitude makes it an appealing case for machine learning research. Beyond the typical qualities of mainstream pop, indie music embraces a DIY ethos that is prevalent across the genre. From the appealing simplicity of song structures to the genre's distinct production aesthetics, this dataset captures the spirit of indie pop, providing a rich environment for machine learning models to absorb and analyze its dynamic soundscapes.
Our Indie Pop Dataset allows you to explore the numerous layers of each music, which will help you improve your source separation capabilities. Investigate the interplay between vocals and instruments to find the secrets of the genre's particular sound. The dataset's rich metadata is useful for studying chord progressions, instrumentation, and the impact of key and tempo fluctuations in indie pop. Enhance your machine learning experience by exposing your models in the diverse and vibrant world of indie pop, where originality knows no bounds.